The Essential 4Assessment & Coaching Exercise

Discover your hidden strengths and areas of development as a leader. Assess yourself in four essential leadership areas sub-divided into the top 16 Leadership Competencies.

This exercise is a 2-step process and takes approximately 10-15 minutes of your time.

Discover your hidden strengths and areas of development as a leader in a 2-step process that takes approximately 10-15 minutes of your time.

Let's begin
The Essential 4
Discover your hidden strengths and areas of development as a leader.

Assess yourself in four essential leadership areas sub-divided into the
top 16 Leadership Competencies

Let's Begin

This exercise is a 2 step process.
Step 1: Assess yourself on Leadership Competencies to discover your strengths and identify areas of development.
Step 2: Create your action plan to improve one of the most critical competencies you choose.
(This process will take 10~15mins.)

Leadership is an extensive term; various styles of leadership and traits are required in different situations. In the context of leadership in the corporate world, we have divided leadership into four major areas: 1. Leading Self, 2. Engaging Others , 3. Assuring Success, and 4. Getting Future Ready. We call it “The Essential 4”.

Leading Self

Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Demonstrating Integrity
Demonstrating Integrity
Appreciating Diversity
Appreciating Diversity
Work-life Integration
Work-life Integration

Engaging Others

Building and managing relationships
Building and managing relationships
Operating from shared vision
Operating from shared vision
Effective communication
Effective communication
Encouraging constructive dialogue
Encouraging constructive dialogue

Assuring Success

Empowering people
Empowering people
Developing people
Developing people
Customer focus
Customer focus
Fact-based decision making
Fact-based decision making

Getting Future-ready

Leading change
Leading change
Anticipating opportunity
Anticipating opportunity
Developing technological savvy
Developing technological savvy
Continuous learning
Continuous learning
After completing the leadership assessment and self-coaching exercise, you will receive a comprehensive, personalized report and tips to improve on selected competencies.
This complimentary leadership assessment and Self-Coaching exercise takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.
Let's Begin